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Institute for Resonance - Japanese RV Classes

Japan RV Class Photos

Here are some pictures from my Resonant Viewing classes in Tokyo, Osaka, and Fukuoka. I first began teaching in Japan in 2003.
The classes have ranged in size up to 64 people and the results have been good, even though I am used to teaching smaller groups.
I find that the Japanese people take to the structure of RV very easily perhaps because of their use of characters instead of letters in their alphabet.

Intermediate Class April '04

Beginning Class October '04

Intermediate Class October '04

Advanced Class October '04

Printed from www.mountbaldy.com/mbi/index.php?content=JapanRV
© 2003 Dr. Simeon Hein | simeon@mountbaldy.com
Institute for Resonance
1942 Broadway, Suite 314, Boulder, CO 80302
tel: 303.440.7393 | fax: 303.532.1007