Opening Minds: A Journey of Extraordinary Encounters, Crop Circles, and Resonance (2002).
Simeon Hein, Ph. D.

Glossary of Terms

Crop Circles - Shapes and patterns that appear in grain crops and other plants.

Fractals - Self-similar objects that look the same no matter how closely you look at them. Some examples are trees, lungs, and clouds.

Fractal Flattening - The tendency of modern technological systems to "flatten" the temporal rhythms of natural processes.

Remote Viewing - A structured, protocol driven system that allows a person to sense distant people, things, and places. A remote viewing program was run by the government for 20 years starting in the 1970's.

Resonance - The property of people or objects to be tuned to the same frequency or vibration. When things are in resonance, they wil spontaneously exchange energy and information.

Resonant Viewing or Sensing- Remote viewing practiced from the point of view of quantum mechanics.

Quantum Mechanics - A branch of physics formulated in the early 1900's that is based on the idea that all matter, at the sub-atomic level, is made of discrete packets of energy.